Geneial Receives Phase II SBIR Grant to Build Rare Disease Communities

Geneial is pleased to announce its award of a Phase II grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). This signifies a significant milestone in our ongoing pursuit of advancing rare disease research and contributing to the field of genomics.

At Geneial, our mission centers around bringing actionable hope to people with rare diseases and their families. We extend our gratitude to our community, the NIH, and the NHGRI for the continued support that has enabled this opportunity. With this funding, we will expand upon our product features and embark on research that has the potential to have a positive impact on millions of people suffering with rare diseases.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to transparency, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing, and will keep our community informed about the progress made possible by this grant, ensuring that we all benefit.

Once again, we extend our gratitude to our community, whose support has been instrumental in achieving this milestone. We are confident that with your continued encouragement and collaboration, we will reach new frontiers in rare diseases, bettering healthcare and improving lives.